“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have work for it, however.”

Richard Bach, Illusion

As a self-taught wildlife artist and mother of two delightful children, I’ve embarked on a journey that intertwines creativity and purpose. Working as a Salesforce professional in an Orlando-based nonprofit organization allows me to make a positive impact in my community, while drawing inspiration from nature and its diverse wildlife for my artwork. Balancing my professional responsibilities with the joys of motherhood and my passion for capturing the essence of wildlife in my art brings me deep fulfillment. These elements blend seamlessly, enhancing every aspect of my life.

My art serves as a means to convey my perception of the world’s beauty and its enchantment while maintaining a touch of realism. I explore various themes, including landscapes, wildlife, and the vastness of nature, employing mediums like graphite, charcoal, and pastel pencils.

Beyond the confines of the canvas, my purpose transcends mere artistic expression; it involves creating awareness and fostering empathy and responsibility toward endangered species and their diminishing habitats. The animals I bring to life in my creations aren’t mere subjects—they serve as ambassadors for a delicate ecosystem on the verge of collapse.

In every mark of pencil, I weave not just art but a narrative that calls on us to appreciate the profound beauty of our planet. It is my fervent hope that through my creations, I can inspire a collective responsibility to safeguard the delicate balance of nature. 

As I continue this artistic journey, I believe that the true power of art lies not only just in its aesthetic appeal but also in its ability to ignite a passion for preservation. Together, let us cherish, protect, and celebrate the wondrous world we call home.

— Vandana Gulati