‘Soar Higher Than Skies’

Those who do something great in life are often those who are not afraid to be courageous and stretch their limits, those who refuse to accept the status quo, but rather reach higher and become more than they believe they are capable of, for they know that things would look different from a new, higher perspective.

Capturing beautifully the essence of this very secret, the artist has chosen an eagle as its muse to drive home the message, that the possibilities the future holds are sometimes only seen from a place higher than the mediocrities of the present.

Like the lion on the land, the eagle is the king of birds, flying higher than any other bird of prey, with its uniqueness further accentuated by its speed, agility, and sheer strength. Happy in flying straight and fast, an eagle is a symbol of beauty, pride, and grace. However, one aspect of this majestic creature’s existence is its courage, which has been explored in this art piece.

As the other birds flee from the storm to hide, an eagle distinguishes itself in its love for the storm for flying. It flies higher and faster in the storm for it knows that brave will be rewarded with the choicest even as others look for shelter in the face of the storm.

It is this bravery that is rewarded with a new vision, far-reaching into the past, within the present, and to the future. It is with this new and higher perspective that an eagle knows when to take flight and capture its prey. It is with this new sense of power and strength that an eagle becomes so much more than those who chose to hide.

All these traits are very similar to those in the few men and women, who make it big, within their life, becoming more than what others think is good enough. For them, ‘good enough’ is just not good enough.