‘Speak, Sing, Serve’

In life, there are many times when we turn away from someone seeking our help, when we don’t run up against the evil, when we don’t put up resistance to wrong, when we don’t question the departure from ethics and morals, only because we are afraid. We completely disassociate from the belief that speaking up is important. Probably, more than an individual, or their survival.

Unmistakably true to the artist’s signature style of telling extraordinary stories through ordinary subjects, this art piece uses a Robin to remind us of how one must not fear in doing what needs to be done, especially what is done for others.

This migratory songbird is among the first birds to sing its complex and almost continuous song as the dawn rises, and last as evening sets in, unafraid and unflinching. It sings when storms approach and again when storms have passed, besides giving out several melodious calls used for communicating specific information, thus exhibiting how doing your bit for others is important, even if it threatens one’s very existence.

Only 25% of the newborn robins can enter the second year in their life, for they are predated by hawks, domestic cats, and snakes, and that is majorly due to their songs which makes the robins very vulnerable. However, that has not made them turn away from singing, exactly how it should be for us all too.

The painting has another masterstroke in the bird looking at something, with the artist stressing on how helping others is the greatest service one could do to humanity. No wonder, when Jesus was dying on the cross, the robin flew to his side and sang into his ear in order to comfort him in his pain.

There are going to be times when your safety will seem to be in your silence. Stand up and walk far from that feeling. The more this world demands your silence, the louder you must sing.