Three Zebras – Same, but Different

The evolution of humanity over the tens of thousands of years, along with the development of science, philosophy, mythology, religion, social norms and rituals, culture and language to become the most abundant and widespread species, has at its heart one crucial factor—their ability to appear one, yet be unique in every possible aspect.

This mesmerizing art piece focuses on three dazzling zebras to build on this important characteristic, drawing parallels between these matchless creatures and humans, with the signature black hues, contrasted with whites adding to the beauty of this painting.

The dazzling stripes of Zebras make them among the most recognizable mammals on the face of the earth. These stripes allow the zebras to blend in with their environment and confuse predators, by making it harder to judge the zebra’s size, speed, and trajectory via motion dazzle.

What is astonishing is, however, that Zebra stripes come in different patterns, unique to everyone; so unique that these stripes serve a role in intra-specific or individual recognition, social bonding, mutual grooming facilitation, or a signal of fitness, enabling stragglers to distinguish their fellows at a distance.

Sounds very much like we humans, appearing one, yet being so different in every possible way, on the exterior as well as deep down inside. Much like the blacks and whites in Zebra stripes, we humans adapt to ever-changing circumstances, deciding how we react to different situations in different ways, and that makes us stand out. The humans may appear similar but there are very fine lines, distinguishing each one of us from everyone else on this planet, making all of us connect or disconnect from others. We are all different, which makes us all the same!