Tiger – Persistence, Patience & Belief

Tiger – Persistence, Patience & Belief.

Strength, Confidence, Majesty, Courage, Independence, Determination, and even Immortality- the tiger stands for many things. However, the artist here has very carefully dwelled on characteristics that go beyond the obvious-Persistence, Patience, and Belief.

The art piece reminds us that just like the tiger, one needs to be fiercely persistent in attaining their goals. It is important to deal with life matters spontaneously, trusting your intuition and acting fast when needed. You simply cannot plan things willy-nilly, or procrastinate when the Path is already clear for that next great leap. There is little that can stand in your way when you want something. The fiery eyes of the apex predator especially tell us that it is all about keeping your eye on the prize and get it with tireless discipline and energy, matching that of the tiger.

This painting also denotes how important of virtue patience is. Just like the tiger, it is important to know when to move, when to remain still, and when to strike, to have a successful ‘hunt’ in the end. Sometimes, it might take careful planning and maneuvering to get what you desire, but it is important not to waste your energy with guilty procrastination, and use your determination to make the right decision at the right moment.

Finally, the artist has dwelled on the aspect, which gets the tiger the unrivalled status in its domain—the ability to believe in themselves. The painting reminds us of our personal power and ability, to adopt a ‘tiger-like attitude’ to overcome the challenges we are facing, however great they seem. It tells us how even if we don’t feel confident in a given situation, we can still act as if we are. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you too.